Celebrating your Anniversary
” An Anniversary is a special occasion that celebrates the union of two human beings who lovingly share their joys and sorrows together. An anniversary symbolizes the timelessness of love.”
To celebrate or not to celebrate. Do you want to go big and through a party or do you plan something romantic and special just for the two of you?
The choice is up to you as a couple how you want to celebrate one more year together. The first anniversary is a pretty big deal. You have made it through a whole year of adjusting to having another person living with you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, through holidays, family gatherings and birthdays. You have now seen each other through the day to day. It is a big change! The tube of toothpaste debate, winter flu season, good days and bad days at work, to start a family or wait discussions, left side or right side of the bed, taking care of the house and who does what. Financial adjustments, grocery shopping, fight rules, sharing a remote, etc etc… It is not easy and the reality of the whole thing is that it is not supposed to be.
I can tell you that it gets not only better, but much easier as you go along. So take that one day a year and make the time to do something, and show each other that you are happy to be together and say thank you.
Here are some examples of Traditional and Modern 1st Anniversary Gift ideas …
Gemstone- Gold Jewelry Flowers- Pansy
Traditional- Paper Modern- Clock
If you are reading this and are in the planning stages of getting married, try to think ahead to your 1st anniversary. For example;
Purchase some stationary that matches your Wedding Invitations or your Wedding theme. Next, purchase a box large enough to hold a bottle of champagne. Some liquor stores will have special wines in a wooden box or find a plain wooden box that you can decorate. Take some time the night before your Wedding and write a letter to your “Husband/Wife”. Tell them what you are thinking at that moment, how excited you are, how much you love them, why you love them and what your wishes are for your marriage and your life together. Put that letter into an envelope and seal it.
Take the box to the ceremony with you and give it to the priest. When the ceremony is over and you are officially married, the two of you can then take your envelopes to the priest. He will be more than happy to bless the box and witness the two of you putting your envelopes into the box with the bottle of champagne and closing it for the year.
On your first anniversary, open the box. Cut a piece of cake from the top of your Wedding cake, pour a glass of champagne and each of you read the letters from one another.
You have just created a tradition that can be repeated every year, it is not costly, it is very romantic and personal for just the two of you.
(take the box with you to your Wedding Reception, have stationary or small cards and ask each of your guests to also write their wishes of blessings for the two of you down and add them to the box. Don’t peek! Seal the box at the end of the night and don’t open until your first anniversary)
Make a special jar, box or tin that contains 1 pen and recipe cards. Create a yearly time capsule for the two of you. When something special happens, write it down and put it in the jar. If you have a special thought, write it down and put it in the jar. Add photos, trinkets from days through out the year. Special cards can be added, surprises, funny moments, ‘Just because’, etc. Don’t peek! Make a special dinner and follow it up with opening the jar. Voila! You have a year in review that is just between the two of you and you can continue to do this throughout the years ahead!
Purchase a special quilt for your home. Buy a fabric pen and throughout the year write each other notes. When important things happen during the year add the date and a brief explanation to the quilt. You now have something that has meaning and you can cuddle up with all at the same time!
Anniversaries are to be celebrated. No matter how many years you have been married. Every year is a milestone and every year you have together is a gift. Don’t take it for granted. Your celebration does not have to be big and elaborate, fancy with expensive gifts. Save those for the BIG anniversaries like your 25th and 50th!! The most important thing is to share the year’s achievements and acknowledging the one you love.
Congratulations to all who have made it through the first year and to those who are still happily married after many many years. It is not always easy but if you are with the right person you will get through it with a smile and become more and more in love with every passing year!
For more information please contact
Raquel Elekes
A Timeless Memory